Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Bread Dough Part II

I enjoyed working with the bread dough much more the second time around. I found myself intrigued by the process of using wire frames to mold the dough onto. I created the frame for my first piece by cutting triangles out of wire grating and then attaching them together in an asymmetrical pyramid shape by weaving wire around the edges of adjacent pieces. I laid strips of dough around the frame, connected down one edge with a strip of dough. Using strips of dough made it much easier to work with, and the wire grating allowed me to shape it fairly easily. I was pleased with how this particular piece looked when it baked because it held it's shape and didn't change too drastically. I made two more pieces by wrapping and draping a long sheet of dough that Jake had stretched out over frames I had made by bending wire grating. I really liked how these pieces looked before they were baked but while they were baking the dough shrunk and cracked, so neither of them turned out quite as I had expected. I was very impressed by other peoples' projects, though. I thought overall the pieces we made were a lot more ambitious and interesting than in our first round of experimentation.

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