Monday, February 15, 2010

Tin Foil Experimence

The tin foil project ended up being a really great experience and a lesson to me in how useful collaboration can truly be. I must admit I was skeptical as to the practicality of Lizzie's idea of creating a ceiling of tinfoil with holes punched in it to replicate the night sky with stars. I also was really attached to the idea of using tinfoil strips in a large piece, and I was afraid the two weren't compatible. However, we came up with the idea of creating an immersive space that would combine our two ideas. We ended up with a tinfoil sort of igloo whose floor was covered with tin foil strips. I thought Lizzie's construction of the structure was really really amazing, and I was incredibly impressed with how much thought and effort she put into it. She created a really ingenious way of attaching tinfoil hooks to the roof so that it could be suspended from the ceiling and stay upright without external supports. The space is really wonderful inside. Because of the tinfoil, it became warm from trapped body heat, and the pin pricks of light in the ceiling lent it a very soothing atmosphere. I also really enjoyed the effect of the tin foil strips because it added a tactile and aural dimension to the experience. The strips invited play, which was in keeping with the whimsical nature of the structure, and the sound they created seemed to sort of echo in the space so that it drowned out outside noise without being too overwhelming. Overall I was very very happy with how well this project turned out, and I was really lucky to have such a wonderful partner!

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